Round table – Deep dive sessions (NL)

Round table – Deep dive sessions (NL)

This year Travel Congress is facilitating round table deep dive sessions again! We want to use this interactive discussion format to bring the travel industry together in a different way. Led by an experienced and well-informed moderator, we will hold an open discussion on a specific theme at round tables with 10 industry colleagues from different disciplines. The goal is to create interconnectivity that helps to promote cooperation and knowledge-sharing in the travel industry. What’s in it for you? Learning from each other, gaining new insights and of course networking.

For whom?
Everyone is welcome, as long as your workfield is relevant regarding to one of the topics below. There are 4 round tables with a total of 40 available places. Based on the registrations, the organization will use “matchmaking” to ensure a balanced composition of tables with regard to theme, type of organization and job profile. The number of places is limited, so register quickly!

After your registration for Travel Congress you can sign up for one of the following topics:

1) Human Capital – 20 spots available
The world is constantly changing – and so is the travel industry. In recent years, more than ever. We live in disruptive and uncertain times, and must continue to show flexibility and resilience in order to get back on top, keep a grip on things and be more meaningful at the same time. Internal change is also something we cannot avoid. A widely held problem is the staff shortage, which means we must continue to invest in Human Capital. But where do we start? Are we investing in our people in the right way, and is the travel industry still attractive to the new generation? Will we be forced to start looking at our payment structure, but also at developments such as remote and hybrid working? Education plays a big role here; do the qualifications still match the qualities we need today?

2) Sustainability – 20 spots available
A sustainable future requires a healthy planet and a society with socio-economic cohesion. As a travel industry, we need to be much clearing in showing the great strides we are already making in this field, and what positive results it is yielding other countries and travellers themselves. In addition, we must also continue to hold up a critical mirror to ourselves. Is it time for the next step, such as growth limits, true pricing and a better approach to mass tourism? What impact would this have and are we, as a travel industry, ready for this change? What the travel industry will look like after COVID, no one knows, but one thing we can agree on is that travel remains an enrichment to anyone’s life.
